Новини от света

Новини от света

As we age, health problems increase at a stupendous rate. With the advancing age, several kinds of physiological changes take place in the elderly. The stamina gets diminished, endurance becomes poor and deference inadequate. All the body systems age, resulting in the impairment of their functions. Our pulmonary function, cardiac output, liver function, and kidney function all diminish, by age 70 to, about 50% of that observed at age…

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Define:- Ulcerative colitis is a disease that causes inflammation and sores (ulcers) in the lining of the large intestine (colon ). It usually affects the lower section (sigmoid colon) and the rectum. Ulcerative colitis can affect people of any age. But most people who have it are diagnosed before the age of 30.


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Asthma and its Homeopathic Remedies


Dr. M. Ahmed

M.Sc. (D.U.), M.Sc. (P.U. Pak.)

D.H.M.S. (Dhaka), E.O.R.D. (India), R.C.E.P.T. (Japan)

Board Member, Bangladesh Homeopathy Board, Govt. of Bangladesh

Vice–Chairman, Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies in…

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I'm not sure which is the more offensive way to create meat. There's the current "factory farm" method where masses of hormone-jacked, antibiotics-injected cows are kept confined in what can only be called bovine concentration camps while they're fed genetically modified...

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We may not know the cause of reduced breast milk in nursing mother.

Sometimes you won't know the 'cause' of the decrease in milk supply, but you always want to help increase it again, even if you haven't yet figured out why it is happening.…

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At least 500 women have filed complaints alleging that U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screeners at various American airports specifically targeted them for sometimes multiple pass-throughs in the agency's illegal naked body scanners because of their...

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Change For A Dollar

We call this type of film a "Tear Jerker" for a reason. Either the suffering of the characters, the sad storyline, or the heroes actions touch our hearts so that we respond emotionally. And "tears" may flow from our eyes because of what we recognize within ourselves. These tears may also flow from the opposite emotion of "joy" that we feel because of the compassion in a person's…

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When the NutraSweet Company first began petitioning the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve aspartame as a food additive back in the early 1970s, it had every intention of conniving its way to success by whatever means possible. Today, after successfully...

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Communicating With Large Animals

In my 'line of work' I need to be able to communicate with the 1000 lb. critters without voices of their own. Horses are unique simply because of their size and because they are animals of prey rather than…

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The mainstream media appears to be priming the public consciousness once again for the inevitable release of a highly-deadly pathogen in the very near future. A recent Reuters report explains that many of the world's biosafety level-3 (BSL-3) and biosafety level-4 (BSL...

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When we look all around us in our environment we can find things that make us laugh and they don't even have to be X-Rated, demeaning to others, sarcastic or snide. These little signs can provoke oxymoronic laughter and when we initiate this inner signals into the brain which reaches the…

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British government may use nerve agents on their own people, leading neuroscientists have warned. The agents to be used by police would be banned under an international treaty on chemical weapons, however the government may use a loophole that means it can use the nerve...

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If you have difficulties exempting your child from dangerous vaccines, you could look to someone like attorney Patricia Finn for help. But, not if it was up to the State of New York - they want her license and her client list. Why?
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Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) is the technical term for a type of fat (fatty acid) with two or more (poly) double bonds (unsaturated). They exist in many different forms, varying in chain length, degree of unsaturation, and rotation around the double bonds. The pharmacology...

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There is no issue that the public has been kept in the dark about more than vaccines, the ‘sacred cash cow’ of modern pharmacology—not medicine.
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Using herbs to treat cats is generally contraindicated due to their extreme sensitivity and tendency to react negatively; however, slippery elm bark has been found effective and safe for use in cats. It is especially good for treating ailments affecting the bladder and...

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Vaccine injured children are being taken from their parents. Authorities take the children under the pretense of child abuse.
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(NaturalNews)"Arguably the most talented singer in the world believed she wasn't good enough." Kevin Costner, as spoken at Whitney Houston's funeral Kevin Costner explained at the funeral how he had to hold Whitney's hand, consoling her, assuring her that she could do it; that...
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Several entities began working on a contraceptive vaccine to control wild horse populations. Is human immunocontracption Next?
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A lawsuit filed against software firm Sammsoft alleges the computer company pulled the ultimate bait-and-switch by designing free software that exaggerated computer errors in order to trap users into buying the full product. In his federal class-action suit, James...

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Tree of Life - A Hiearchicial Representation
Hierarchies just seem to turn up everywhere.  Once you start looking for them you just cant stop seeing them.  There appears to be a proliferation of hierarchies in every direction.  Lets start with one of the biggest and well documented hierarchies - the tree of life, and the plant kingdom in particular.

The plant kingdom itself is a part of the, bigger more expansive picture, the tree of life,  since all living things are included in the tree of life.  Looking in the other direction, towards the components of the plant kingdom itself we observe a massive diversity of life forms that are all 'plant-like'.  These forms are grouped by genetic similarity into groups known as orders, and these orders are themselves grouped into families.

So as we look at the parts of the plant kingdom in more detail we find plant families whose members all have some genetic similarity. These genetic similarities impart some special evolutionary advantage to each family which allows this family to proliferate. We are all well aware of the differences between an onion (Monocots::Liliaceae) and a lemon (Dicots::Rutaceae) but both families are still members of the larger group - the plantae.

When we look closely at samples from any plant family under the microscope we see tissues, which themselves are comprised of parts such as vessels, leaf parenchyma, chloroplasts.  At higher magnification we just see  cells, which themselves contain further structures called organelles, which themselves are made up of proteins, fats and so on.  At this level of investigation all plant material looks pretty much the same!
So, just to recap, looking at the smaller parts we have structural hierarchies within the tissues of the plants. Looking at the tree of life as a whole we larger groups of hierarchies based on structures and tissues which share certain genetic specialisations and adaptations.

This whole explanation seems rather verbose and unwieldy.  We just don't have the vocabulary to describe the intermediate nodes on this hierarchical structure succinctly.  Arthur Koestler coined the term 'holon' ... from the Greek holos, meaning whole, with the suffix 'on' indicating its particulate nature.

As I said, hierarchies spring to mind whenever we look at any structure or object. Even an apparently innocent object such a table, which at first glance appears to exist naturally, without any parts, is in fact dependent on the legs, the wood, and even the carpenter, his tools and so on. Any functioning thing, from an insect colony to the pentagon (to use Koestler's examples), arises in dependence upon its holons.
Can you find anything that does not arise in dependence on its parts?  Anything that does not contribute towards the construction of some larger 'entity' in some way? Anything at all?

But does this view of holonic existence change our view of how the universe is constructed?  What seemed to be 'real' and 'solid' is revealed for what it is ... an inconceivably complex interaction of dependent relationships.  Our natural perception of the solidity of our world is threatened!  Yet out of this holonic complexity an apparent perceptual singularity arises - the World we live and function in.

Because of this complexity this is a fragile world and things are inclined to break down and fall apart at the seams.   It is a wonder that anything functions at all!   Because we naturally feel that the word is a whole, a singularity,  we are surprised and upset when something, somewhere (inevitably) breaks down.

If our happiness depends on the expectation that consumer products arising from a perfectly functioning whole will always be available we are likely to be deeply disappointed sooner or later. Is continual upgrading of car, computer  and appliance the only answer? If consumerism has its limits, where can we look for a more lasting source of happiness?

Perhaps the answer is to celebrate the wonder of it all every morning when we open our eyes to a brand new day. Our nearest Red Dwarf, Betelgeuse may indeed go Super-Nova tomorrow ... and Earth may soon have a second Sun!

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In case you may have forgotten, one of candidate Barack Obama's central themes during his 2008 presidential bid was "change." In particular, he wanted to change the way Washington did its business, pointing out - correctly, by the way - that there was too much collusion...

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If a relatively uncontroversial vaccine like the rabies vaccine can cause autism, isn’t it just possible that shooting tiny babies and young children full of vaccines—many at the same time when no one has ever conducted a study to prove that it’s safe to do so—could also cause autism?
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Think baby formula with brown rice syrup is the healthier choice? Think again: infant formula made with brown rice syrup may contain 30 times more arsenic than other formulas, according to a new study from Dartmouth College. Environmental chemist Brian P. Jackson...

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Vaccines with a cancer-causing virus were left on the shelf because YOU, the person into whom they would be injected, would lose confidence in the vaccine program!
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Parents who exercise a vaccine exemption for their children are often ridiculed for putting their own children and others at risk. However, legally and medically, unvaccinated children do not pose a significant health risk to themselves or anyone else. Alternative vaccine...

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Treating a patient in the most efficient manner has been the goal of the medical profession since man first fell sick. To achieve that the important aspect of treatment that is recognized by physicians is diagnosis or understanding what is wrong with the patient. Dr Samuel Hahnemann, who I believe was way ahead of his time then understood the importance of understanding the concern of the patient in his terms rather than treating every patient just like another brick in the wall. Each person…

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We've all been through periods of time where we just can't seem to focus on any one thing. We may be scattered, easily distracted and unable to formulate consistent or productive thoughts. There are many reasons for this. Fortunately there are also many ways you can...

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I have tried to be very careful in collating this chapter. My trepidation…

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People think of dieting as a quick fix. Pictures of well-toned bodies are sold for the idea that one can have well-toned abs or a sexy body by simply buying this gadget or this supplement meant to speed up the metabolism. In a nutshell, there are no specific foods...

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