Новини от света

Новини от света


WORMS constitute one of the most common disorders of children and people imagine that if worms are expelled their children will be cured. Several medicines are given to the children (taken by adults too) for the removal of these worms from the stomach and bowels. They again grow and they are again…

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Begin a healthy new year for your plants.
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Case Report



AWARDS & HONORS: Doorn Ratna; Garhwal Gaurav; Gold Medalist; Veteran Homoeopath and various others.


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Send Feedback What did you like in this issue?What other topics would you like us to address? What would you like us to add, change or improve on?Send your feedback, ideas and suggestions to us at Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите. Articles Invited Share your articles and cases for publication in [...]
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I enjoyed Dr. Shalts webinar this afternoon hosted by WHN/NCH.

A few good take aways:

Ignatia is common for girls where the parents argue a lot.

OCD cases, don't rep the OCD sxs, look for the unique.

Anada Zaren is the best resource for tips on observing infants and very young children. 

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky is a great resource for vaccine information. (Google found his website right away)

When taking the case of children, an interview with…

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Dear Editor, I want to wish a 2012 better than 2011 and also success in the new year. All the best, Ligia c. ————————————————————- Dear Dr. Manish Bathia As always I like your issue and this time I especially like the article about Ulcers and W. A. [...]
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                                      Dr. Shiv Dua, M.A., D.I. Hom.(London), HMD(UK)


(Abstract of the talk on 13.11.11 in conference hall of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College, New Delhi with honored members of South Delhi Homoeopathic Association.(SDHA).…

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Another great Hpathy Quiz! See if you can solve this case.
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[In the present situation writing a chapter on homeopathic care of pregnancy…

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The author cures a cat who developed leukaemia after vaccination.
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Uterine prolapse occurs when pelvic floor muscles and ligaments stretch and weaken, providing inadequate support for the uterus. The uterus then descends into the vaginal canal. Uterine prolapse often affects postmenopausal women…

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First Impressions and Observations: Anna is a tall, thin, attractive woman of 29 who is quite open in answering questions. When she comes in from work she is tired. She is affectionate with her baby who is about 17 months and with her husband who is there [...]
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The Gleanings-XI PART-1 by Dr Usmani

Copyright 2011/All rights reserved © Dr Usmani 

Contact author for permission to use




FEMALE GENITALIA and Female Sexual Functions by Dr. M. A. USMANI


Uterine Diseases Depending on Diseases of Bowels and Rectum:…

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This article discusses the remedy Skookum Chuck, and then presents seven brief cured cases.
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This is the article I read in Hindustan Times in 2006, which touched my heart and I kept that newspaper cutting with me. This I usually do whenever anything touches my heart. While going through my old cuttings, I go through the lanes of memories. There I found this article which I would love to share.

This article was written by Rajashree Birla, mother of Kumar Manglam, director Aditya…

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In the December 2011 issue of Hpathy.com’s journal, there was a paper on cancer as well as a case of stomach cancer, from Edmund Carleton in 1913. In this case, he used 9 remedies in the course of the treatment, to resolve the stomach cancer and the [...]
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Conium: Socrates’ Last Drink


Conium maculatum (poison hemlock) is an old remedy and gained prominence with Plato’s graphic description of its effect causing the death of Socrates. The manner of Socrates’ death by hemlock became a matter of special…

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The author discusses some precursors to domestic violence and offers a handful of useful remedies.
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Asthma: worse Inhaling Dust, better after Stool: Poth. Foet.


Asthma worse after 12’o…

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John Morgan, founder and Managing Director of Helios Pharmacy gives a lucid discussion of LM potencies including their history, how they are made, and rules for their use.
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Many of my friends in homoeopathic circles still frivolously advise their patients [the tiny…

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A vaccination trial on premature babies funded by GlaxoSmithKline...just by reading this study through anyone with an ounce of sense can see that it is weighted in favor of the researchers.
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Whooping cough


Dr. Boyd writes in his Textbook of Pathology, 1961, p. 306:

Whooping cough or pertussis is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract, as a result of which there are spasmodic attacks of coughing with a prolonged inspiration known as a "whoop". The…

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We can laugh at the waiter’s reply to our complaint about the fly in our soup: “- Never mind, it won’t eat much!” However it is no joke that vaccines may contain residue from insect cells, yeast, mouse brains, tissue from pigs, guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, calf lymph, hens’ eggs, chick embryos, monkey kidney and testicle cells, retinal cells, aborted human fetal cells and cancer cells!
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Pakistan Weather News

Our own Dr Wequar goes to Pakistan to help at a charity…

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Shortly there will be a ‘smart pill’ that will be able to transmit information about your body’s insides to a patch on your arm with the information being collected via a Bluetooth connection. Then, here’s another question for the smart pill developers: Can your ‘smart pill’ track vaccines too?
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The struggle of Stage 1 remedies is reflected in the acute Miasm. Acute patients are fighting for survival so there is a lot of anxiety and fear, and where there is fear there is confusion and the behaviour is very impulsive. Some of these characteristics show through in the behaviour of the Stage 1 Remedies.

The basic themes of each remedy are shared by the whole group to some degree, this is especially true in very sensitive patients. As we go down the column the atomic weight increases which changes the expression of these basic themes.

It would be very interesting to compare the Stage 1 remedies with the Lacs (milk remedies)since there quite clearly several developmental themes emerging as we go down this column of the periodic table.

Hydrogen -(the lightest element burns in air to form water)

Expansion and contraction

The lighter elements esp. Hydrogen correspond to the Ayurvedic idea of Akasha. On that theory Hydrogen would indeed be a remedy for ungrounded Vata types. But you would still take the case fully before commiting yourself to making a prescription, of course.

The extreme of Ungroundeness arises from severe vata disturbance. That degree of Vata disturbance could arise from a very SEVERE fright. The traditional Ayurvedic remedy to reduce Vata (airiness) and improve the quality of Kapha (peace) is Withiana Somnifera (Ashwaganda).

Because it is at Stage one it should theoretically have the Stage one themes of ’New Beginnings’ or ’Starting out’, like someone who’s not sure what to try next. In theory every challenge gives rise to difficult dilemmas which stem from uncertainty about one’s sense of SELF and about IDENTITY.  In the end decisions are made out of impulse … not properly thought out…. often seeming a bit foolish or even a bit crazy to others.

Hydrogen symptoms in depth

The confusion of identity stems from of loss of boundaries and can take the form of detachment, confusion of sexual identity or a sense of union with a higher consciousness. Loss of boundaries is also found in their spatial perception - giving rise to sensation of being larger or smaller.

The sense of expansion is seen in feelings of love and being in heaven. This reminds me of babies, who at a certain stage, seem to beam with smiles and happiness. The sensation of contraction and smallness may be at the root of their fears and their sense of vulnerability, especially when it is accompanied heavy pathology such as contraction of the chest and palpitation. They feel small, which may give rise to  feelings (dreams or delusions) of rejection, dirt, crime, criminality, enemies and escape.

Lithium (a light alkali metal which tarnishes in air)

Lithium met has symptoms of anxiety with confusion, fear, impulsive behaviour and hysteria. There is also sadness, self-mutilation and thoughts of suicide.  It is listed under the rubric 'mania - alternating with depression', hence its use in bipolar disorders.

They are timid and sensitive to criticism, so there is a stronger sense of self than is found in Hydrogen. Specific fears include fear of strangers and crowds, which suggest that SELF WORTH is the issue. Their view of the world seems quite self-centered and restricted and I suspect their behaviour would seem selfish to others.

In general the remedies at the beginning of the Carbon Series have little appreciation of their own SELF WORTH and potential. The sense of self-grasping and self-worth becomes more significant, exaggerated and egotistical across the row.

Sodium (a reactive alkali metal)

We don't have much info on the next Stage1 Remedy, Natrium Met; there is sadness, pessimism and despair with anxiety about the future and fear of death.  In general they are easily frightened esp. by people.

With little faith in the future their reflections are turned to the past, perhaps to times when they felt less threatened and insecure.

In the Silica Series there are lots of anxieties, but anxieties about getting on with other PEOPLE (RELATIONSHIPS) become more and more prominent.  We begin to appreciate other people and hence the importance of knindness and love.
… the anxiety is still felt pretty acutely in Natrium.

Potassium (A soft and extermely reactive metal; oxidsies in air)

Kalium seems to focus the anxiety and fear on what they are going to DO NEXT (fears – anticipation; failure).

They dream of unsuccessful efforts. Sadness and indifference come when they give up.
Kalium is in the Ferrum Series – this is where Dr. Scholten makes the connection between remedies with the wish to be DOING something with EFFORT or WORK of some sort.
(anxieties still seem acute; I dont want to fail – I must DO SOMETHING NOW)

Rubidium (Ignites spontaineously in air)

Rubidium is still full of fears, especially of being trapped or of falling. They are much more assertive and can be abrupt and quite opinionated  (haughty). Their behaviour is impatient and impulsive and is described as chaotic in the literature. This reminds me of the 'terrible twos' - the stage where the young child starts to emphatically say "NO!".

Interestingly they are sensitive to music, which gives them great joy and delight. Music is an aspect of culture which develops fully in the Silver series.

Caesium (Alkali - reacts explosively with water)

Caesium met can be obstinate, haughty and manic. Haughtiness, found in Rubidium (above) develops into delusions of superiority in Caesium.

Caesuims fears are similar to the other remedies of Stage 1, except that they fear being murdered and fear insanity. With superiority comes loneliness because they set themselves apart from lesser mortals. If they feel that they must be in command of the situation they can no longer draw support from others. They have to think for themselves, which can be quite a big responsibility. It seems that they may also fear that their attitude may deeply offend others and single them out for trouble. This feeling may be present in their dreams too - like every other Stage 1 remedy, they dream of falling.

The sense of autonomy and responsibility increases across the remedies of the Gold Series and the Lanthanides.

Francium (One of the most unstable elements)

I have no data on Francium. Dr. Scholten believes this series focuses on the development and maturation of intuition and clairvoyance. If this is so Francium's intuition would be very naiave and aspirational - as opposed to reliable. This might attract them to various obscure philosophies and sects.

If the fear of falling, which is found in all the other Stage 1 remedies, is present in Francium I suspect they would be quite supersticious - walking around with placards predicting the end of the world or the collapse of the Euro - rather like the predictions of Nostradamus.

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Stacy died just one week after her first vaccinations and left her twin sister Lesly behind. Devastated by their loss their parents are convinced that vaccines and hospital failures were the cause of their beautiful daughters death.
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 General Characteristics of Stage 2 (urgency, fear and insecurity)

 The special quality of the remedies of the left hand side of the perioidic table is that they are on the road to recovery. Things, in general are improving as we move towards Stage 10.

According to Dr. Scholten the Stage 2 Group personalities are insecure and need appreciation and constant support.   The struggle of Stage 2 can be seen in the Typhoid, or 'sub-acute' Miasm.  They are fighting for survival; not quite as intensely as in the Acute Miasm, they know that they are not going to die if they keep fighting for their lives.  I would say this is like days 2or 3 in Intensive Care, where visitors are told that the patient is 'stable'.  There might be sudden setbacks, opportunitistc infections and so on, but the feeling on the ward is that the patient is out of immediate danger.  The best illustrative example of the Typhoid miasm I can think of is not a mineral.  In Nux vomica the patient is restless and agitated (delusions - dying, he is) and wants a safe place to rest.   He will discharge himself from hospital because he feels safer at home.

The urgency and fear are the same - regardless of the particular ailment.

In the minerals the depth of urgency and insecurity can be seen in the degree of outer threat that can be perceived in the rubrics. In Beryllium they fear abandonment. In Calc met, they dream of unsuccessful efforts and there are fears of impending disease, falling and losing.  This is is a precarious position - far from feeling comfortable and stable! In Strontium the feeling is that people are criminals and out to get them. In Lanthanum and Baryata the feeling is that they might even be murdered. 

Stage 2 patients will flourish when they feel supported. Their well know aversion to being watched comes from a fear of criticism, which is like poison to them.  It threatens everything they do and evokes the sensation of instability and insecurity. The only answer is to become conscientious ... they are hyperchondriacs and perfectionists. 

Characteristics of individual remedies (insecurity and criticism)

The general themes of the typhoid miasm seem to manifest as insecurity in the minerals. It causes a fear of criticism in this group  because their self-esteem is fragile and precarious. Rejection feels like falling.  These are some of the remedies I would consider for panic attacks.

In the Carbon Series (Beryllium) insecurity destroys their identity, which depends on feelings of self-worth, the feeling is that "I am worthless".
  • CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence - support; desires
  • DELUSIONS - meaningless; everything is
  • FEAR - failure, of/SENSITIVE - criticism; to
  • FEAR - of each operation; of death.
In the Silica Series (Magnesium) it destroys their relationships at home.  The feeling would be expressed as "I am unwanted", which of course piles on the sense of insecurity.
  • FORSAKEN feeling
  • RESTLESSNESS - driving out of bed. 
  • FEAR of disease
In the Ferrum Series (Calcium) it destroys their ability to contribute anything. The feeling might be "I can't do anything right".  The opponent of fear is security, which the Calcs appreciate very much!
  • ANXIETY - anticipation; from
  • CONSCIENTIOUS about trifles
  • FEAR - poverty, of
In the Silver Series (Strontium) it destroys their ability to think and create. There is more self-esteem and more anger - as in Nux-v. It could feel as if "My ideas are ignored and have no value".
  • HAUGHTY/SENSITIVE - criticism; to
  • FEAR - high places, of.
  • DELUSIONS - criminals, about
The nearest remedy in the Lanthanide Series is Lanthanum (Stage 3).  They don't want to be dominated and Criticism destroys their will and their ability to stand up for their inner beliefs.  It could feel like "My beliefs are insignificant".
  • HAUGHTY/DELUSIONS - alone, being
  • OFFENDED, easily
  • FEAR - murdered, of being
In the Gold Series (Barium) it destroys their ability to take responsibility.
  • HAUGHTY/DELUSIONS - alone, being
  • FEAR - murdered, of being

Just follow the themes with a light mind ... I hope they come back to you when you are working on a case :)

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    As the presidential race unfolds, citizens of the United States have been introduced to a handful of individuals who are seeking to be the leader of our nation. Do you know which candidate will help you be a better parent?
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