Новини от света

Новини от света

Renowned homoeopath, Dr.Jugal KIshore left for his heavenly abode this evening.

May his soul rest in peace.

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The human body was designed very efficiently for times of scarcity and stress. Food scarcity was a common reality and the body has developed specific pathways to be very efficient in times of fasting. In times of stress, for survival purposes we adapted a fight or flight...

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Nosode Background

The hardy Johneinum, bacterium Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis replicates in the intestine of the host and causes chronic inflammation of the intestines in many species. In animals, the resultant disease named Johnes’s disease typifies the Crohn’s wasting disease. Crohn's disease was originally thought to be a disease which bore a remarkable resemblance to intestinal tuberculosis, but…

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Getting quality sleep could be a vitally important piece for solving the puzzle of mental health. Previous studies have linked poor sleep to depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and ADHD. Now for the first time, research also shows a strong link between schizophrenia...

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My cousin’s daughter is just one and half years old. She is fond of one particular cradle song sung by K S Chithra (renowned female singer from India.) Whenever the child cries for any reason, that song soothes her easily. Surprisingly, neither any other songs nor by her favorite toys will calm her. It is almost like an addiction to that…

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One ingredient found in many of today's green super-food formulas is red beet root powder, which is made from dehydrated beets and then ground into a powder. Although the benefits of beets are not often shouted through the rooftops, red beet roots and beet juice have...

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Cold around the corner

These days a television commercial on cold and flu…

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Some of the most deranged and sociopathic individuals on the planet hold respected positions of authority in medicine and at institutions of higher learning, and a recent journal article in the American Medical Association (AMA)'s Journal of Ethics serves as a reminder...

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Ever wonder how premium "100 percent pure" orange juice brands manage to taste delicious and fresh all year round, as though oranges never go out of season? Here's a hint: it's because that may NOT be pure orange juice you're drinking. That incredible flavor comes from...

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This is the article I read in Hindustan Times in 2006, which touched my heart and I kept that newspaper cutting with me. This I usually do whenever anything touches my heart. While going through my old cuttings, I go through the lanes of memories. There I found this article which I would love to share.

This article was written by Rajashree Birla, mother of Kumar Manglam, director Aditya…

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[I] Nux vomica (Loganaceae x Typhoid*) : Normally busy and ambitious, they can be abrupt and  don't suffer fools gladly; they have to get things done before relaxing.

Symptoms: Nausea, especially in the morning and after eating, may respond to this remedy.  She may retch a lot and have the urge to vomit, often without success. Her stomach feels sensitive and crampy, and she may be constipated.

[II] Ipecacuanha (Rubaceae x Typhoid*): Normally enjoys stimulation but easily gets bored and annoyed.

Symptoms: Intense and constant nausea that is felt all day (not only in the morning) with retching and belching. Worse after eating.  There can be a white tongue with sour taste and profuse salivation.   Nausea not improved by vomiting.

[III] Asarum (Aristolochaceae x Ringworm**): Ambitious and haughty but delicate (sensitive and easily upset by obstacles).

Symptoms: Waves of  nausea and retching. There is watery saliva but tongue is clean in this remedy. Cool drinks or food may help, but it is hard for her to even think of eating.  She is extremely sensitive to everything—especially noise, which can aggravate the nauseous feelings.  Forehead aches. Also well known remedy for backache.

[IV] Sepia: Irritable, sad and worn-out.  Had enough of her family.

Symptoms: Gnawing, intermittent nausea with an empty feeling in the stomach. She feels worst in the morning before she eats, but is not improved by eating and may vomit afterward. Nausea can be worse when she is lying on her side. Odours of any kind may aggravate the symptoms.  Sensation of a lump in the stomach. Heaviness or sensation of a load in the abdomen.

*The feeling in the Typhoid Miasm is that "I have to address this problem right now".
** In the Ringworm Miasm there is a struggle against pessimism, "Oh, not again. I thought I'd got over that".

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Chlorella is a green algae that is considered to be one of the most powerful superfoods known to man. Chlorella contains vasts amount of chlorophyll within its cell walls. The cell walls of chlorella are tough and indigestible, so many chlorella producers break the cell...

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Imagine a world where the government monitors everything you eat and drink, and makes sure you take all your pharmaceutical drugs by feeding you an edible microchip that transmits this compliance information remotely to authorities. Such a world is almost a reality,...

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The term hippy is often used contemptuously. Some ex-hippies have a sense of failure with that counter culture movement's inability to change the world. The occupy movements taking place now are reviving memories of that 1960s anti-establishment counter culture activity...

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For years, many major drug companies have had it made with a steady stream of new "blockbuster" drugs that carry with them 20-year patents, ensuring years of billion-dollar profits. But many of these patents are now expiring, and these same drug companies have largely...

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(NaturalNews)On February 18 - 19, 2012, the Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Association (OEFFA) will hold its 33rd annual conference in Granville, entitled Sowing the Seeds of Our Food Sovereignty. The conference, which is devoted to promoting "slow", localized food systems that are...
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Do you wish you could have a share of the billions in profits raked in by pharmaceutical companies peddling dubious drugs? If you are unencumbered by integrity, you may want to follow the lead of celebrity chef Paula Deen to gain a chunk of the plentiful prescription...

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(NaturalNews)When we are talking about the media, it comes down to this question: do they create the consciousness of the people or is the consciousness of the people merely being created by the media? The fact is that practically everyone watches TV and reads the newspapers;...
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Use your normal induction method and when relaxed introduce these suggestions...

Would you like to imagine that your body can invoke its own healing response?  A healing response that you can control at will, amplifying and turning on and off as needed?  Just like the volume on your stereo ... it goes all the way to 11.

You have tried relaxation and meditation in the past and you have experienced how wonderfully relaxed your body can become, the wonderful sense of peace and calm this state of relaxation can bring about. 

This time I want you to imagine that in this relaxed state your body is now producing a little pool of wonderful somatic healing fluid, it is quite heavy, slightly oily and a little sticky and it is pale red.  It resides in our brain tissue and in our spinal column. This fluid contains all the healing chemicals and components our body needs, a flow of endorphins, and even finer bliss molecules, superfine particles that flow through our bodies when we are happy or high ....that science has yet to discover ... we don't need to know their names ... we just know they make us feel happy ... and now you feel very blissful as they are build up, inside you, ready to  flood all the sorley parts with a beautiful, unctuous and warming glow. 

If you like you can imagine this healing fluid is rather like honey, it is quite like honey, it gently bathes your tissues and cells in the softness and sweetness of life.

Imagine, if you will, that this blissfully healing elixir of life now overflows, it flows, dripping softly down from the crown of your head into your spine, and from there it flows, dripping and spreading, softly down every nerve and channel  and beginning to spread down every nerve and channel, spreading gently all over your back and sides.  Let it flow now.  That's right.  All over.  Doesn't that feel wonderful?

Healing, fluid warmth flows into your tissues and even into your bones, gently soothing, warming and relaxing every layer of muscle, every sinew and tendon all the way to your marrow ... warm, comforting, relaxing, just like the summer sun.  Relax and enjoy these special relaxing, comfortable sensations for a moment or two. That's right, relax ... let go now... enjoy.

These healing molecules flow, by nature into every little nook and cranny,  bathing every cell in their warm healing glow.  Can you imagine every cell stretching out in the sun and relaxing?  Take a moment or two.  Let them relax ... deeply immersed into ... bathing in ... this happy, sunny sensation.

As its warmth gently and smoothly penetrates and soothes every painful part you can feel those parts smiling and relaxing.  They are bathed in molecules of bliss.... molecules of life.  The sense of relaxation is timeless and wonderful. It goes on and on, like an eternity in an hour. So very relaxing.  So blissful. That's right. That's wonderful.  This level of relaxation is rare and so very special.

How can tension exist in this special blissful feeling?  This feeling that you have let yourself experience now. Tensions dissolve into relaxation and bliss allowing natural healing to begin. Let you body rest and heal. That's right. That's wonderful. As you notice the tension leaving your back and sides you notice how remarkably comfortable and relaxed you now feel all over your body. Just let yourself go. Let go. Relax completely.

Post hypnotic suggestions

Can you remember when you felt so relaxed?  You will be able to relax, just like this again, anytime you want to.  You will be able to settle down whenever you want, very easily, then just turn the dial to 11 and the relaxation will flow again, beautifully and effortlessly.

And as the day goes by you will feel more relaxed, more energised.  You might recall this special sense of restful healing from time to time ... or you might forget.  It doesn't matter.  It will be there anyway.  Gently and unobtrusively working for you all through the day and deep into the night ... when you fall into a very special, beautiful and healing slumber.

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The value placed on human life in American society today is in rapid decline. The mindset in vogue today is one that looks at mentally- or developmentally-impaired individuals as less than human, and not worthy of receiving the same care and dignifying treatment as everyone...

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The prevalence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, certain cancers and chronic lung diseases is greatly influenced by lack of exercise, poor nutrition and tobacco smoking. Good health is not difficult to achieve if one gives up smoking, eats correctly and exercises...

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Remember when it was considered crazy talk to suggest that mainstream medicine viewed humanity as being born lacking in pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines, as if these synthetic inputs are necessary miracle nutrients for proper human development? Well, researchers from...

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An animal whose very name is often used as an insult may harbor more "human" traits like compassion than previously suspected. A recent study by University of Chicago researchers suggests that rats are capable of behavior which seems based on empathy for others of their...

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There are almost fifty years of documented scientific research on a quick, easy and reliable method for testing whether something is true and under the circumstances whether it's good. As an example: should you eat animal protein? On the subject of animal protein versus...

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Even though the federal government does not actually have the right or authority to dictate what free individuals can and cannot eat, the Obama administration has officially rejected a WhiteHouse.gov petition signed by more than 6,000 Americans seeking freedom from federal...

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Researchers reporting in the prestigious journal, Neurology have found that proper diet and specific nutrients can lower the risk of brain shrinkage by nearly forty percent. Other lifestyle factors including degree of education and elevated blood pressure combined with...

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Popping calcium pills has become the norm in our culture where osteoporosis has become pervasive, but in recent years research points to calcium supplements posing a danger to our heart health. We're left to wonder: is calcium beneficial or dangerous? There is little...

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Anyone who has ever looked at an itemized hospital or doctor bill already knows just how absurdly inflated the nation's healthcare costs truly are. But when 28-year-old Alexis Rodriguez from New York recently received a bill from Bronx - Lebanon Hospital for $44 million...

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Finding access to raw milk is difficult in many parts of the US, but the situation is even worse in Canada where national law prohibits the sale of raw milk anywhere in the country. Few people realize, however, that Queen Elizabeth and her two sons drink this supposedly...

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