Новини от света

Новини от света

The European Union (EU) has rejected roughly one million tons of US-based corn gluten feed, a leftover byproduct of corn processing that is commonly fed to conventional livestock, over concerns that it might be tainted with illegal genetically-modified organisms (GMO...

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  • Each cancer patient is an individual cancer patient.
  • Constitutional remedies goes a long way in treating cancer patient same as with the other diseases, because THE WHOLE MAN IS DISEASED RATHER THAN A PARTICULAR PART.They gives a better response to arrest disease process than medicine selected on the present acute –suffering and pathology.
  • Sometimes more than one remedy are given according to the case according to the signs and symptoms.
  • The cancer…

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Last week, I declared 2012 the "Year of Consciousness" for NaturalNews (http://www.naturalnews.com/034554_consciousness_awakening_2012.html) and pointed out that the ultimate solution to ending tyranny, wars, corporate deception and environmental destruction is to upgrade...

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Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPSC) invites application. Advertisement number : 5/2011-12 Online application only : 24 December 2011 onwards Other mode of application not acceptable Website : http://uppsc.up.nic.in/ Date of calculation of age : 1st July 2011 Application starts: 24th December 2012 Last date of submitting fee in bank : [...]
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We are in the "Age of Aluminum", this according to a lecture by Dr. Chris Exley, PhD at a January 2011 vaccine safety conference in Jamaica. A common expression among those who deflect aluminum's toxicity issues is that aluminum is prominent throughout the earth's crust...

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Heavy metals and neurotoxins like aluminum and mercury store in soft body tissue in kiddies similar to the way lead stores in bones in adults. It’s time to bite the bullet on the real science of why kids are so sick.
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There's a rough patch at the bottom of my garden where nothing grows but weeds.  This is not quite true, however, because I have seen Tigera yearly succession of wonderful colonists find a home in this little niche. 

In early summer small clump of beautiful Tiger Lilies unfold their beautiful flowers, and I can be proud of the fact that they have made her home in my modest little plot.

The Tiger Lily is a precious, delicate, feminine and glamorous flower, and gazing upon her can evoke feelings of excitement and passion.  It is little wonder that the Tiger Lily has become an important Homeopathic remedy for female problems.  The homeopathic picture that has evolved from many careful trials, is of a haughty, domineering woman, her sense of self-importance is such that her very presence makes lesser mortals cower. An example from popular culture would be Corrie's Sylvia Cropper, the outspoken mother of café owner Roy.

Homeopathy as suffered much in the press, but despite this many dedicated individuals pursue this discipline.  I emphasise dedication because the homeopathic properties of any remedy are found by testing its effects on healthy subjects - usually students!  To accomplish this a sample is ground up with mortar and pestle and then subject to a series of dilutions, which are vigorously agitated at each stage. These dilutions determine the potency of the final product.

The properties of the original sample are of course, the same as those reported by chemists, herbalists, and sometimes from reported cases of poisoning. The information from all these sources is invaluable as it gives an impression of its potential impact on our body.  As you would intuitively expect Homeopathic dilution reduces the most harmful effects of the original substance.  In a serial dilution of 6c there is very little of the original substance left. This is, by and large, depending on the toxicity of the substance, considered to be the lowest potency that is safe to prescribe without poisoning the subject.  The effects of this potency are quite physical.  Higher potencies tend to effect the emotional and mental spheres.

Quite a remarkable picture has emerged from the trials of Tiger Lily (these are known as provings)

Participants in past provings reported a feeling of disconnection and aloofness.  It is quite an irritable and humourless state and offence is easily taken because there is a feeling that her 'beautific' state  must never be besmirched by anything remotely vulgar.  It is as if this sense of poise is really quite fragile and can easily be overwhelmed by ordinary feelings.

There is conflict between that which is fine and respectable and that which is deemed unworthy.  Sexual feelings do arise and they play havoc with this sense of poise. 

No wonder Tiger Lily has a reputation as a wonderful remedy during the menopause, helping the natural expression of sexual feelings and easing many of the concomitant  physical symptoms.

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Among the various Materia Medica books we use, I always enjoy reading Leaders In Homoeopathic Therapeutics, written by E B Nash. In spite of my attachment to his book, I used to feel that Nash was a fool, because he has not given the drugs in the alphabetical order. It is a real headache to find out the remedy we need to read. I always wondered why B Jain has repeated the same mistake he had done. They could have arranged the drugs in alphabetical order while reprinting, but given only the…

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In chronic diseases, Homeopathy needs prolonged treatment to completely cure the disease. During the process of treatment, we observe the appearance of various symptoms of detoxification through various routes, which disturb the patients. These processes of elimination of toxins are generally irritating to the patients. But without these disturbing symptoms, the complete cure cannot be achieved.

But the homeopathic physicians face hurdles to convince the patients not to use any…

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Dear Homeopaths,

I will discuss with you the approach of AIDS by the great homeopaths Peter Fraser, Peter Chapel and Misha Norland. As homeopaths we have to understand and treat AIDS "homeopathically" and not just by the name of the disease. Let us begin by understanding the evolution of the man, evolution of society and the miasmatic theory. All are interrelated with each other.…

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In the US, most people, upon hearing that someone is a physician assume that person has a higher than average income. However, a recent article on the CNN Money website drew attention to a new trend -- doctors declaring bankruptcy. Bankruptcy and practice closuresThe...

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The Gleanings-VII Abdomen



[Among the viscera of the abdomen liver stands out conspicuously. It is the ruling organ of the abdominal cavity. The quality of life depends on the quality of health and functionality of the liver. I’ve given the largest space to the liver in this chapter. The Organ Remedies of the liver are discussed first. Every choleric person, pathologically speaking, should use organ remedies, in material doses, i.e. the…

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14 babies who participated in trials for GlaxoSmithKline’s new pneumonia/earache vaccine, Synflorix, died. However, Argentine health officials allege there was no connection to the vaccine.
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Biking, running, or even walking in the town of Hull, Wisc., without official government permission could soon become an "illegal" offense. The Stevens Point Journal reports that a public safety committee in Hull is working towards mandating that all non-automobile travelers...

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This professor was involved in government meetings discussing vaccinations and adverse reactions for a total of 5 years, from 1987 – 1991 inclusive. These meetings were held during the most crucial period in vaccination history when the MMR vaccine Pluserix was being used.
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You may have noticed we're on an abbreviated publishing schedule right now, and that's because we've given our staff the holidays off. But I'm still working, and I wanted to wish all NaturalNews readers a Merry Christmas or whatever appropriate holiday you may be celebrating...

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A recent paper released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) believes exposing infants to neurotoxic heavy metals in vaccines is safe.
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(NaturalNews)Those crafty television commercials that claim high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is basically the same thing as conventional sugar have gotten the Corn Refiners Association (CRA), the group responsible for creating them, in a heap of trouble. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution...
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We have scoured the web to bring you the top news headlines from around the world. Stay current in the latest affairs surrounding vaccines, Pharma, and the authorities who support them.
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British scientists have developed a new variety of broccoli that contains up to three times more of a powerful heart-health nutrient than conventional varieties -- and they did so without the use of genetic modification (GM). However, the "super" broccoli, known as ...

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Parents, if biological material was used to create a vaccine and it caused cancer when injected into hamsters, would you want that vaccine injected into your child?
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Just when I thought I had the holidays off, the TSA does something stupid (again) that demands, at the very least, a satirical response. This time it wasn't the TSA checking the diapers of infants for "poop bombs" (http://www.naturalnews.com/032805_TSA_children.html...

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This is the article I read in Hindustan Times in 2006, which touched my heart and I kept that newspaper cutting with me. This I usually do whenever anything touches my heart. While going through my old cuttings, I go through the lanes of memories. There I found this article which I would love to share.

This article was written by Rajashree Birla, mother of Kumar Manglam, director Aditya…

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Gout and arthritis have two things in common. Each condition makes the body hurt, and they respond to the powerful nutrients found in cherries that eliminate pain. Cherries contain high levels of antioxidants and anthocyanins, nutrients known to relieve pain, inflammation...

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The Gleanings VIII Rectum and Stool



[Carroll Dunham has said somewhere that the positive symptoms of the homeopathic material medica, are the characteristics, i.e. colors, odors, and consistency of the body discharges, as e.g. of stools, urine, leucorrhea, nasal discharges and phlegm; and also the color and configuration of tongue. I think he was right. These are certainly positive symptoms which should make our selection of the…

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Walk faster to stay one step ahead of Death, according to recent research published in the Christmas edition of BMJ. (During Christmas, this normally formal publication publishes more unconventional articles.) A team of scientists from various schools, hospitals and...

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This probably is the most blatant ploy for more of the population getting additional aluminum-containing vaccines that probably will impede their mental capacities.
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Is gorging on a bag of nacho cheese-flavored corn chips, for instance, the same as snorting a line of cocaine? A number of scientific studies, many of which were conducted within the past year, have found that junk food addiction is essentially the same as cocaine addiction...

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This is the article I read in Hindustan Times in 2006, which touched my heart and I kept tha t cutting with me. This I usually do whenever anything touches my heart. While going through my old cuttings ,I go through the lanes of memories. There I found this article which I would love to share.

 This article was written by Rajashree Birla ,mother of Kumar Manglam, director Aditya Birla Group…

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(NaturalNews)For many people, the cold and often dreary days of winter can translate into seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as the "winter blues." But one way to help you and your family to avoid the winter blues and stay healthy and happy this winter is to eat plenty...
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