Новини от света

Новини от света

Patricia Williams wrote in The Nation this week that, "You know these are interesting times when Glenn Beck, Dianne Feinstein, Rand Paul and the ACLU all stand on the same side of an issue." She was referencing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Here is what...

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The author presents a detailed account of Dr. Praful Vijayakar’s recent seminar, citing various cases and many lessons learned.
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No one likes a hangover; however, most people like to eat and drink until they burst during the holidays. Tempting treats peak around every corner. Hangovers are not only relegated to those drinking alcohol. Gorging until eyeballs roll back into one's head and the always...

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(NaturalNews)The coming new year which is 2012, also happens to be the name of a 2009 Hollywood disaster film in which a lucky few survivors, mostly political leaders and the very rich, board huge insulated arks to ride out a massive civilization-destroying tsunami. As the real 2012...
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By carefully prescribing on each set of changed symptoms, Dr. Carleton brings this case to a cure.
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Pericardium 6 or Inner Pass (PC6, Neiguan) is one of the most well-known, highly researched and often utilized Acupuncture points. It is indicated to calm the spirit and regulate the heart, making it useful for conditions like heart pain, palpitations, hypertension,...

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For the first time, a federal report has verified that chemicals used in natural gas hydraulic fracturing, also known as "fracking," can, and do, cause groundwater contamination. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently issued a 121-page draft report on...

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A brief glimpse of the renowned Dr. J.H. Pulte (1811-1874)
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With all the controversy surrounding the willful use of steroids and other illicit, performance-enhancing drugs by some professional sports players, it might come as a surprise to some readers to learn that professional sports leagues themselves may also be responsible...

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Reprovings help to confirm symptoms and also occasionally add new symptoms for a partially proved remedy.
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Are you aware of the Arctic Circle Doomsday Seed Vault? Technically it's the Svalbard International Seed Vault. The media has hailed it as an attempt to create a doomsday ark containing a wide variety of seeds to ensure the future of agriculture in the event of widespread...

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The author is successful in three cases of Diphtheria when he recognizes the keynote symptoms of Lac Caninum.
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A short but excellent case of veterinary homeopathy.
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As we approach a new year, we're starting a new year at Hpathy.com as well, celebrating it with a big upgrade and lots of exciting new features! Explore!
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A marvelous cure of chorea after the author finally perceives the correct remedy.
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Try to find the remedy for this, the world's worst gum abscess ever!
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         It is better not to ask any leading questions to the patient. But, there are occasions wherein we are forced to ask some yes-or-no questions, especially at the end of case taking, either to confirm the remedial diagnosis or the disease diagnosis. Some times, asking yes-or-no questions may be…

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Elaine gives the answer to last month's quiz!
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Always empty the urinary bladder before starting your vehicle. Rupture of the filled urinary bladder is one of the reasons for complications during road traffic accidents. An impact on the abdomen can compress the filled urinary bladder, which can even rupture when it is full. Chance for the rupture of urethra is also more when the bladder is full. So, do not hesitate to empty the bladder before you start your vehicle.

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Dr. Kaviraj continues the very popular series on Agro-homeopathy!
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Pathogenesis of Allergy

Our body's immune system is designed to recognize and to attack of any foreign particle or protein that enter inside our body. It has the remarkable ability to distinguish between "self" and "non-self" cells. There are many things enter our body that our immune system usually views as harmless. But in a person with allergies, the immune system by mistakes looks these harmless substances known as allergens as a potential threat and starts reacting. This is…

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10 Homeopathy Doctors Required at Meerut for Cure Homeo Clinic, Meerut. Details for the “Homeopath” are as follows: Qualification:              BHMS/MD Age:                          Below 35 years. Language Proficiency: Must know Hindi & English Salary:     [...]
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An Obituary: A big loss to Homoeopathy

It is with great sadness that I write that our respected teacher, Dr. Diwan Harish Chand has passed away today morning (13th Dec 2011). I pray to God to give the strength to bear this massive loss to Dr. Diwan Harish Chand's family and the entire Homoeopathic fraternity.…

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Letters from our readers giving valuable feedback and suggestions.
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Doctors from France called to delist vaccinations for HPV and suspend approval for the quadrivalent vaccine Gardasil because they doubted the vaccine’s safety and efficacy.
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