Новини от света

Новини от света

This national organization of physicians in all health specialties objects to mandatory immunization of healthcare workers.
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Developing a renewable energy system that creates energy independence and even a considerable new source of revenue is not some sort of sci-fi pipe dream. BioCycle reports that the German village of Wildpoldsried, population 2,600, has had such incredible success in...

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Healthcare consumers are being played like a fiddle. Vaccines are a ‘sacred, money-making cow’ that the U.S. Congress gave exemptions from liability for damages caused by them.
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God grant me the serenity to realize that government health agencies are no longer going to protect my family's health and wellbeing - the courage to stand up and say 'no' to forced vaccination and the wisdom to know the difference between coercion and compliance. Amen...

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For over 60 years red meat has been vilified for its heart clogging saturated fat & cholesterol content. Poultry products have been marketed as the healthiest animal protein due to their low-fat content. New understandings of health and inflammation now reveal that grass...

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Shortly after six-year-old Josh Hadfield of Somerset, UK, got jabbed with Pandemrix, GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) vaccine for H1N1 / swine flu, a few years ago, he developed extreme narcolepsy that caused him to sleep up to 19 hours a day. Two years later, the boy is still...

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A recent industry-funded study on antidepressant drugs has revealed that the medications can cause roughly 20 percent of patients to get worse depression symptoms than if they simply took nothing. Published in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry, the study, which...

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(NaturalNews)Despite mainstream medical establishments and media outlets portraying multivitamin supplements as worthless and oftentimes toxic, vitamins have led to 0 deaths over the past 27 years. In contrast, pharmaceutical drugs were responsible for 3 million deaths,...
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Kim Jong Il officially died yesterday, according to mainstream news reports. Perhaps he did. Or maybe they finally decided to end their charade of pretending he was still alive by propping up his corpse at public events or parading around a body double. Either way...

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(NaturalNews)A phobia is an irrational fear; the symptoms of which may be manageable or be so debilitating that everyday life may be disrupted. An estimated ten percent of people in the UK and slightly more in the USA suffer from phobias of some kind. Sufferers can be helped...
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A substance patented as a flame retardant and banned as a food ingredient throughout Europe and in Japan is present in 10% of all soft drinks in the US. The December 12, 2011 issue of Environmental Health News reviews the history of this toxic ingredient, including the...

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(NaturalNews)Eating more soluble fibers is the way to lower the levels of dangerous visceral fat, according to a new study conducted by researchers at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. The experiments performed by a team of scientists have proven that as much as 10...
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The Consumer Wellness Center (CWC), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting nutrition as a way to prevent disease and enhance human health and longevity, is pleased to announce the recipients of this year's 2012 Nutritional Education Grant Program. Each year...

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(NaturalNews)For years natural health experts have been battling mainstream medical officials over the existence of vaccine dangers, but a new safety report by the Institute of Medicine settles the argument; they reveal that a relationship exists between vaccine use and...
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Are plant-based therapies, including potential natural cures for cancer, mostly pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking promoted by "health nuts" and old hippies? Not at all -- and the evidence for the validity of the healing power of plants is coming from none other than mainstream...

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(NaturalNews)Most people tend to associate cinnamon with holiday foods such as pumpkin pie or eggnog. The truth is that cinnamon can be used all year round in a wide variety of foods and dishes. It contains many vitamins and minerals and therefore comes with a great deal...
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A team of European researchers has proven that eating strawberries will protect the stomach lining from damage caused by ethyl alcohol. "A diet rich in strawberries might exert a beneficial effect in the prevention of gastric diseases related to generation of reactive...

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A fully vaccinated child should be one of the healthiest children in the world. Why are American children so unhealthy?
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(NaturalNews)A prominent expert in health-related issues and pharmaceutical drugs, Dr. Sidney M. Wolfe, Director of the Public Citizen Health Research Group (HRG) and member of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee, was recently...
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Cubebs (CUBEBA) Mucous membranes generally, but especially that of the urinary tract, are chiefly affected by this remedy. Frequent urination of a nervous origin. Leucorrhœa in little girls. Urine.–Urethritis, with much mucus, especially in women. Cutting after urination, with constriction. Hæmaturia. Prostatitis, with thick yellow discharge. Cystitis. [...]
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As the US federal government continues to evaluate whether or not to approve AquaBounty's genetically-modified (GM) "AquAdvantage" salmon, Canada's Cohen Commission (CC), a group established by the nation's government to track the decline of Sockeye salmon in the Fraser...

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Croton-oil Seed Is a valuable remedy in diarrhœa, summer complaint, and skin affections. These may alternate with each other. Feels tight all over. It is one of the antidotes to Rhus poisoning, as is evident from its wide and intense action upon skin and mucous surface, causing [...]
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Ready for some hard-core athleticism? The "Tough Mudder" event is an extreme endurance challenge that's on track to become even more popular than the much-coveted "Iron Man" race. Billed as "a non-stop 24-hour [event] designed to find the toughest human being on the...

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Rattlesnake Snake poisons are supposed to be chemically Cyan hydrates of Soda and other salts. Alcohol is the natural solvent of these salts and is an antidote. Has a profound trophic action. Old age nutritional troubles. Low septic states. General disorganization of the blood, hæmorrhages and jaundice. [...]
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(NaturalNews)You may have doubted recent stories reporting that the new defense authorization bill just passed by Congress and approved by the White House will permit the U.S. military to arrest American citizens only suspected of being terrorists, and then detain them indefinitely...
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Saffron (CROCUS SATIA) Is a remedy often useful in hæmorrhages that are black and stringy. Tingling in various parts. Chorea and hysterical affections. Frequent and extreme changes in sensations and mental conditions. Anger with violence followed by repentance, Laughing mania. Drowsiness and lassitude; better by literary labor. [...]
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Eating lots of fruits and vegetables helps lower the risk of developing a stroke, a new study shows. The new report comes from a team of scientists at the the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and was published in the "Stroke" journal of the American Heart Association. Fruits...

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Hawthorn Berries (CRATAEGUS) Produces giddiness, lowered pulse, and air hunger and reduction in blood-pressure. Acts on muscle of heart, and is a heart tonic. No influence on the endocardium. Myocarditis. Failing compensation. Irregularity of heart. Insomnia of aortic sufferers; anæmia; œdema; cutaneous chilliness. High arterial tension. Is [...]
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The extra money you pay for seafood carrying an eco-label may not support better environmental fish farming. That's the conclusion of a study released December 7, 2011 by the University of Victoria's Seafood Ecology Research Group(SERG). Fishy Eco Standards "How...

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Pennywort (COTYLEDON) Marked action on heart; oppression of chest; fullness in throat. Epilepsy. Numb aching in muscular and fibrous tissue. Sciatica. Well-marked pains through the breast to scapula. Catarrh of larynx and trachea. Hysterical joint. Mind.–Lost, confused feeling. Could not articulate for some time on awaking. Pressing [...]
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