Новини от света

Новини от света

The Author describes the various raptors and then offers some symptomology based on provings.
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The author achieves unexpected success in a case of spine compression after 30 years of symptoms.
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Well selected remedies cure a woman of her uterine polyp, thus avoiding surgery.
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Dr. Anita Salunkhe explains how one must look beyond the patient’s behaviour, for the key sensitivity.
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Once more, homeopathy proves it's wondrous effect on birds.
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Gallstones are a major public health problem in all developed countries. Although gallbladder disease had traditionally been considered an adult condition, the prevalence has been rising in the pediatric population. A baby, aged five years, came in with multiple Gall stones and was treated successfully with Lycopodium and Carduus Marianus. Treatment was guided by ultra sound scan of abdomen before and after treatment. It is an “evidenced based” Homoeopathic treatment.
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Dr. Manish Bhatia interviews Dr. Ardavan Shahrdar, one of the most famous homeopaths in Iran who is improving the quality of Hahnemannian homeopathic education and also conducting research on the nature of chronic miasms.
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I'm male 19 years old...i have swelling my left breast and the doctor has given me tumour drops,plz tell is he treating me fair. Thank u Asked by: Arsh khan ANSWER Hello, There is not enough information to answer your questions. "tumour" is not a homeopathic remedy name. The best would be that you ask [...]
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The author takes us on a delightful journey into the mind and brain with surprising discoveries.
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Dear Sirs, I have got piles on 1991 then I was immediately consulted homeopathic Dr. and was treated successfully. I have got the same problem very next year, once again I have consulted another Dr. as I moved from earlier place. He gave me the medicine that made my problem more severe as the pile [...]
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Interesting cases of a woman and her horse, both with different pathologies but needing the same remedy!
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7 mo. old male labradoodle (half standard poodle, half yellow lab.) Constant ear infections. Symptoms: shakes head side to side, resulting in flapping of ears. Craves our rubbing his ears. Discharge smells cheesy, and looks dark brown. Tried pulsatilla 30c as well as hepar. sulph. calc. 30c to no avail. Help, please! Vet says that [...]
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The author describes keynotes of numerous remedies in headache.
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good eveng... i want to join any foreign community of homeopathy like any reputated hospital for practise or any institute for teachng, kindly tell me is there any xam for this...???? or any other way....???? which country would better for such determination...??? may i eligible only vd BHMS or MD is must..???? Asked by: Kuldee [...]
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i have pigmentations on my face,nose nd upper lips. can i use tenovate gn skin cream Asked by: veena ANSWER I am not in favor or steroids for such cases. Visit a homeopath for another opinion. Contact the homeopathy organization in your country for a referral. You can find that information here: http://hpathy.com/homeopathy-organizations/ Rate This [...]
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The author describes a case that shows the importance of listening to the patient's mentals to arrive at the Core Disturbance.
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Patients say, " Doctor, I am not scared of death, Thats surely has to come one day or the other, (in delight tone) but it should be not such that I did not Pay attention to my health problem..wont that be stupid?.. Do you UNDERSTAND What I am SAYING"...help with Remedy with appropiate Rubrics... Asked [...]
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The author proposes a new approach to selecting the simillimum for animal remedies. It is grounded in the theory of evolution and a correlation is suggested between evolutionary classes of animals and the periods of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table.
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i have a 20yr old daughter diagnosed with mysthenia gravis,she is pres on medication mestinon and azapratherine,meds not making any change to her condition, need help urgently for any other medication that can help her diagnosis.Acquired same at the age of 14,is there a local homeopath that can assist. thanks Asked by: simmie ANSWER If [...]
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diet control for uric acid what to eat or what to not eat Asked by: dhiraj choudhary ANSWER Below is a list of high purine foods to avoid, but if you are treated homeopathically, you may not need to restrict your diet. Your case must be taken by an experienced homeopath. The homeopath will take [...]
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We are very sad to report the passing of renowned homeopath Dr Patricia Le Roux, who died after being struck by a motor scooter in Paris on October 15, 2011. Dr. Le Roux was a dynamic woman who worked tirelessly as a pediatrician, researcher, administrator, teacher and author. She served as General Secretary of the [...]
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Hi, I have some itching problem these days. My skin becomes dry and I get eruption between thigh and genitals area. The skin becomes little hard and I feel like itching continuously. Please suggest any remedy Asked by: Anil ANSWER Your case must be taken by an experienced homeopath. The homeopath will take much more [...]
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The author discusses the newer developments in homeopathy and gives a brief overview of Kingdoms, Vital Sensations and Levels.
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Hi, I have a strange hedache type from last 15 years which not reducing at all. Please suggest any medicines. Here are the symptom. 1. Headache due to Sun light. 2. When there is suffocation. 3. When there is a lot of noise. 4. When I don't drink water for sometime after food. Asked by: [...]
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Reading lists of proving symptoms never gives the flavor of what the prover experienced. Here is the dramatic firsthand account of homeopath Dr. Robert Boocock's proving of Heloderma.
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The author discusses the current situation regarding modern medicine and how homeopathy, with it's 'energy' dimension, is the medicine of the near future.
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The author presents a case of Hepatitis B turning 'negative' with homeopathy.
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Does a severe calcaneal spur disappear after treatment or is it permanent? Asked by: Bhuvenka ANSWER Bone spurs can disappear under homeopathic treatment. Drinking carrot and celery juice over a long period of time can also dissolve bone spurs. Whether is will work in any particular case is always uncertain. Rate This Answer Rating: +0
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