Новини от света

Новини от света

These new vaccines may be coming through your mail sooner than you think!
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"My grandson was given one Hep B shot shortly after he was born. He is now 21 months and has had no other vaccinations. However, the site where he he was injected has been red, raised and swollen ever since."
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wheat allergy, symptoms, test, wheat allergy treatment with homeopathy medicines, or homeopathic treatment for wheat allergy.
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"I talked to the vice president of the college, [redacted] and he said it is the hospitals policy and that he has nothing to do with that policy, even though he is a pro-vaccine advocate as I found out during my discussion with him."
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Thyroid problems, information about homeopathy medicines, or homeopathic treatment for thyroid problems.
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Is anyone able to track these lab results in children with autism and their correlation to immunizations?
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Thalassemia causes, symptoms, information about thalassemia major, minor, rome of homeopathy medicine, or homeopathic treatment for thalassemia symptoms.
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Secret government documents that have been under lock and key for thirty years have revealed the UK government has known for many years that this vaccine can cause a debilitating neurological disorder.
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Scleroderma or Systemic sclerosis and Homoeopathy

The Disease Which Turns People To Stone…

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"Finally they insisted he go to the nursery for the residents to examine him..."
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In a previous life I was an astrologer. Just as you don't forget how to count even if you're not using maths in your profession, I'm still looking in the stars every now and then, especially when planning an event. What I see for October 15th, the start of the walk, is a karmic constellation on Gemini 3-4°.…

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Every action starts with a dream and all dreams look unrealistic in the beginning.

What I dream and imagine is that all homeopaths will realize they are true healers, who put enormous time and effort into acquiring their knowledge, improving themselves…

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Mental symtoms of Hyosyamus from materia medica pura and its repertorial correlation

Obtuseness, insensible laziness. ( “Insensibility so that he did not know those about him,” in original.) [HAMILTON, 1. C.]


485. He is in danger of becoming senseless.( Happened to Boer have himself from the exhalations from henbane.) [VAN EMUS, in Praelect. Baerhavii de morb. nerv .,ad, tom. i, p. 236.]

He lies bereft of reason arid lazy. [GREDING,…

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Let me begin with removing some misconceptions about healing. Healing is not a science, but an Art. Of all things Art is the governor, for it is through Art that Government works. Of all Arts, the Art of Healing is the uncrowned Emperor. Poetry may be its Minister and Painting its Culture, Theatre its Jester and Science its Priest, but above all the Art of Healing, Divine in principle and practice, is without doubt the Emperor.…

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As per the reports from various News channels, many modern medical institutions in Kerala conducted unethical clinical trials in the form of free…

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Crohn's disease, symptoms, diagnosis, homeopathy medicine, or homeopathic treatment for crohn's disease.
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Motor Neuron Disease and Homoeopathy

Rajneesh Resource Page

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Cancer types, Information about different types of cancer including lung cancer, beast cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, and others, homeopathy medicine and homeopathic treatment for different cancer's symptoms.
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Over the years various medical doctors, attorneys, and parents have been seeking information about medical tests that could indicate a causal relationship between vaccines and their ingredients and the severe reactions. This Guide was vetted for accuracy, including omission of relevant information needed in the attempt to determine whether a child died as a result of neurotoxins and/or hazardous chemicals in vaccines.
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Cancer of esophagus, sign and symptoms, causes, diagnosis, homeopathy medicine or homeopathic treatment for cancer of esophagus.
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There are a growing number of parents who have been falsely accused of child abuse. Many of these cases only occur after parents mention that their child first became ill after they received a routine vaccination.
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Bowel incontinence, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, homeopathy medicine, or homeopathic treatment for bowel incontinence.
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When sanitation, clean water, and better nutrition were introduce into the jam-packed, filthy cities in Europe and the United States, smallpox decreased on its own, long before the modern pharmaceutical smallpox vaccine even came on the scene.
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Bone marrow transplant, process, or procedure,conditions associated with bone marrow transplant.
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This interview reveals how DNA fragments were discovered 6 months after a young woman was vaccinated.
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Bladder cancer, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, homeopathy medicine or homeopathic treatment for bladder cancer symptoms.
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Dear Friends of Homeopathy!
We decided to make a presentation on the Pediatric Congress of Hungary. We are looking for studies on homeopathy treating children in oncological and intensive care units. Could You propose any studies in this topic?

Thank You

Peter Sal

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Autism Spectrum Disorder, symptoms, causes, tests or diagnosis, homeopathy medicine or homeopathic treatment for autism spectrum disorder.
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I'm joining Anne's Walk for Homeopathy. I'm really excited about the idea of a positive wave on homeopathy. I'm going to knit warm things for her and other walkers and sympathizers. Come back to hear more!

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