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(NaturalNews) Allow me to begin this article with a single paragraph published yesterday on Yahoo Finance:

"The world is watching Europe, waiting upon a solution. It's not just the euro that's at stake. If the euro fails, so too does the 27-nation European Union. Bank lending would freeze, stock markets would likely crash, and Europe's economies would follow. Nations in the euro-zone would see their economic output decline, though temporarily, by as much as 50%, according to UBS forecasters. That economic meltdown would then spread to the U.S. and Asia, who would find themselves caught up in the credit freeze while their exports to Europe would collapse." (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Euro-Finance-Ministers-wscheats-3060132077.html)

If you had read these words just 12 months ago, you would have thought it to be fear-mongering conspiratorial nonsense. Words like "collapse" and "crash" and "meltdown" aren't normally tossed around the mainstream media, even when their use is justified. To actually see these words in print is strongly indicative of the severity of the global financial crisis our world now faces -- a crisis, by the way, which is nothing less than a global economic coup that has seen entire nations virtually taken over by criminal banksters.

It's truly a global phenomenon now. As the paragraph above explains, it's not merely that the very existence of the European Union is threatened by the current crisis, but that the "economic meltdown would spread to the U.S. and Asia," says the report. What Yahoo's finance article doesn't explain, however, is that this is technically not even a scene of a failed fiscal policy... it's actually a global crime scene.

Greg Palast, Max Keiser and others dare to report the truth...
Right now, the No. 1 network in the USA that's hitting this story head-on is none other than InfoWars.com, led by Alex Jones. In a series of sizzling interviews with white-collar crime expert Greg Palast, Wall Street insider Max Keiser and trends researcher Gerald Celente, Jones has exposed the utter criminality of the global debt scam from top to bottom. Widely ridiculed by the New York Times, Bloomberg and even Forbes magazine, Alex Jones is cursed with an ability to accurately see the patterns of history developing in real-time, and he has repeatedly shown the courage to warn others about what he sees us all headed toward, even when being widely demonized by the (ignorant) mainstream media.

Recently, Alex Jones interviewed Greg Palast, author of Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates, and High-Finance Carnivores (http://www.amazon.com/Vultures-Picnic-Petroleum-High-Finance-Carnivores/dp/0525952071). See his website at www.VulturesPicnic.org

That interview, which aired on November 22nd, offered stunning insights into the depth of criminality that has brought us to the brink of global financial disaster.

YouTube channel astonisher1 has been posting lots of Alex Jones videos lately, under the banner of promoting "peaceful and informed resistance" against global criminality. Here's the Nov. 22nd episode, during which Greg Palast was interviewed starting at roughly the 45-minute mark (part 4 of 9), available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13pXBAMwy-Q

Alex also recently posted a stunning interview with Max Keiser, which aired November 21st. Watch that at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inYxGnzcPL0

As the editor of NaturalNews and having been named the second most influential person in alternative news (by ActivistPost.com), I am convinced that if you're not tuning in to InfoWars on these financial matters, you are simply not well informed. There is no other media outlet on the planet hitting this subject with such ferocity and blatant honesty.

(Full disclosure: I am an occasional fill-in host for Alex Jones, a position for which I receive absolutely no compensation of any kind unless you count the donuts with the orange sprinkles that Jaron the producer keeps trying to trick me into eating...)

Stunning truths now coming out about the global banking elite
If you listen to the recent interviews conducted by Alex Jones, you will hear his guests make the following points (and many more):

• JP Morgan, Bank of America, Citibank and other major banks are all insolvent. Their financial collapse is inevitable.

• Your monthly statements from these financial institutions are total fraud, as that money doesn't even exist in these banks. It's like Bernie Madoff, but several orders of magnitude worse...

• The Goldman Sachs criminal banksters are brazenly trying to economically conquer the world by destroying those national leaders who oppose their toxic debt schemes while placing their loyalist economic terrorists in key positions of political power. Refer to Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins for more details on how this actually works.

• The economic devastation now being experienced by countries like the USA is a deliberately planned scheme of economic destruction designed to allow the global banking elite to confiscate enormous resources from targeted nations. Some nations have been forced into giving up their oil fields, water supplies and even their financial sovereignty to be used as collateral for global bankster bailouts.

• There are already increasing calls for bankers to be executed for engaging in these crimes that are effectively stealing trillions of dollars (or equivalent in local currencies) from the people of our world. While calls for such drastic action may seem extreme at the moment, no doubt more people will join in such calls as they begin to lose their pensions and savings accounts when the financial collapse tidal wave reaches their personal bank accounts.

S&P downgrades credit risk ratings a dozen global banks
As yet more proof that the global financial house of cards is about to violently collapse, Standard and Poor's took action late yesterday to downgrade the ratings of key globalist banks (http://www.foxbusiness.com/industries/2011/11/29/sp-downgrades-dozens-global-banks/). Banks downgraded by S&P include:

• Citigroup • Wells Fargo • Bank of America • Goldman Sachs • JPMorgan Chase • Morgan Stanley • Barclays

... and many others. These ratings downgrades stemmed in part from the realization that failures of these banks may not be covered by governments which claim to insure their deposits.

The FDIC, for example, can only cover a few hundred million dollars in bank losses, yet Bank of America recently engaged in some particularly wicked transactional voodoo that slopped a jaw-dropping $75 trillion (yes, with a "T") worth of derivatives risk on the back of the FDIC (http://seekingalpha.com/article/301260-bank-of-america-dumps-75-trillion-in-derivatives-on-u-s-taxpayers-with-federal-approval). It doesn't take a mathematical genius to realize that if just a tiny percentage of these BofA derivatives fail, the FDIC is instantly and irreparably bankrupt.

So much for your own bank account being "FDIC insured," huh? Who is insuring the FDIC?

In other words, if you have deposits with these large banks, there is a very real risk that those deposits may suddenly disappear in much the same way that customer accounts at MF Global recently vanished, never to be returned.

It's clear from all this that the financial quickening is upon us. The inevitable financial corrections stemming from the global spread of toxic debt are now at our doorstep. While it is possible that clever bureaucrats and finance fixers may be able to rig temporary solutions that delay "the big correction" a while longer, there is no questioning the fact that such a correction is inevitable -- and the longer it's delayed, the worse it's going to get.

By historical comparison, what our world is about to experience will make the economic misery of The Great Depression look like child's play. Think 50% unemployment, the collapse of multiple global banking giants, police state Martial Law in nearly every nation, and the eventual payout of perhaps ten cents on the dollar for all the masses who once thought they had FDIC-insured savings accounts.

Stay informed. Read NaturalNews for regular updates as this situation develops. And take active steps right now to diversify your assets. Buy some farmland instead of sitting on cash, for example, because there will be a day when your dollar will be worth less than dirt anyway. You might as well trade those dollars for dirt while you still can.
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