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(NaturalNews) Every year, the federal government and its pawns in state and local governments get a little bit more aggressive in their push for full compliance with the flu vaccine agenda. And this year, they are targeting faith-based groups and the leaders of such groups, which include pastors, priests, rabbis, and imams -- to promote flu vaccines to their members during religious services, and even to partner with local drug stores to hold flu vaccine clinics.

In a recent issue of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Partnership Center Newsletter, the agency wrote about its new Seasonal Flu Guide for Community and Faith-based Organizations and Leaders. The aim of initiative is to use religious leaders and institutions to increase flu vaccine compliance. And in order to ensure success, HHS held a private conference call recently -- no press allowed -- to discuss strategies.

"[F]aith and community leaders play an integral role in helping to keep their communities and congregations healthy, especially during flu season," says the HHS announcement. "As trusted messengers, (religious leaders) are able to spread important information about health practices and the need for vaccination."

You can view the full HHS announcement here: http://www.hhs.gov/partnerships/resources/newsletter/111411.html

In other words, government authorities, apparently unsatisfied with the current vaccination rate, are now looking to trusted religious leaders to become "messengers" for delivering Big Pharma's flu vaccine propaganda to their congregations. The end goal of all this, of course, is to convince those who have rejected the flu vaccine that it is safe and effective (which it is not), and to persuade them to take it.

The whole initiative is a product of the White House's Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, which is really just a benign-sounding name for the federal government's "Trojan Horse" promotion of its own agendas via religion. And it already appears to be working quite well to promote flu vaccines as, during the conference call, officials allegedly spoke of a Catholic priest who stopped during the middle of his sermon to receive a flu shot -- needless to say, many inspired clergy and parishioners immediately followed suit.

As part of this push to turn religion into a catalyst for promoting flu vaccines, federal officials hope churches and religious institutions will also actively partner with local drug stores like Walgreens to hold flu shot clinics. The endless barrage of flu shot advertisements, promotions, and incentives that drug stores already utilize on their own is apparently still not enough to convince many members of the public to willingly accept the useless vaccine (http://www.naturalnews.com/033998_influenza_vaccines_effectiveness.html).
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