The School
Life is a marvellous adventure!

logo-brand-school-enStarting this journey from Bulgaria is a wonderful chance!

Bulgarians posses a specific wisdom which let us feel things before seeing them.

We have a specific Bulgarian adventurism which ispires us to follow our hearts even when our mind seems to be unprepared.

animWe also have a specific heathy Bulgarian skepticism which helps us follow our adventurism only when it leads us to getting wiser.

HomeoHelp is taking the path of wisdom honoring equally the charming thrill of the adventurism and the sobering healthy skepticism.

And we are happy to see that this is the path is chosen by many Bulgarians – friends and colleagues.

Walking on this road along with our friends we reached our  Temple.

We call it “HomeoHelp Holistic School”.

HOMEO – because the amazing homeopathy is the foundation we stand on

HELP – because we can be together only when we help each other

HOLISTIC – because the holistic way of thinking today determines what we are going to be tomorrow

SCHOOL – because we are going to learn and we are going to be taught.

Doors of HomeoHelp Holistic School are wide open for the Holistic way of thinking and the holistic ways of treatment and growth.

Doors of HomeoHelp Holistic School are wide open for all adventurers not lacking heathy skepticism and for all skeptics not lacking their pricious adventurism.

Doors of HomeoHelp Holistic School are wide open so we can all grow and get wiser together, so we can learn and work together in the name of the Health and Happiness of our loved ones and ourselves.


Learn more about HomeoHelp Holistic School






Rumen Stoychev M.D. (1961) has a master degree in medicine since 1987 and a master degree in Homeopathy since 2004.

He practices Classical Homeopathy exclusively since 1999. Since 2004 he leads HomeoHelp Publishers and since November 2011 he manages HomeoHelp Holistic School. He has translated a few thousand pages homeopathic literature which was published in Bulgarian by HomeoHelp and other publishing houses.






Stanka Haralambieva M.D. has a master degree in medicine since 1989 and a master degree in Homeopathy since 2004.

She workes as a pediatrician until 1999 and since then as a classical homeopath.

She is one of the most experienced homeopaths working with children in Bulgaria. She is also a chief editor in HomeoHelp Publishers and a co-founder of HomeoHelp Holistic School.





drkalathiaGhanshyam Kalathia B.H.M.S. is a licensed doctor and homeopath who practices classical homeopathy since 2004.

He works in his clinic in Ahmedabad, state of Gujarat, India.

Doctor Kalathia presents himself as a follower of the Sensation Method but his understanding of the remedies and his approach to Materia Medica are placing him closer to Frans Vermeulen and Johnathan Shore as he explores in depth both standard and most modern Materia Medica.

He publishes actively in the most reputable websites in the world and is well accepted mostly due to the freshness of his scientific ideas and his talant to get an inside of the patient's picture and the nature of the remedies.

In HomeoHelp Holistic School Doctor Kalathia is teaching Materia Medica of the remedies of the Animal and Mineral Kingdom.


Articles from Dr. Kalathia:





Online Courses
