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Teenagers are faced with a myriad of challenges while growing up, one of which is acne, which affects four out of five Americans between the ages of 12 and 24. Thankfully though, there are effective treatments available right now that work to combat acne and ultimately...

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You are about to become a parent. Soon your baby will be injected with neurotoxins and other preservatives, and their immune system will be challenged to its core. If you aren’t lucky, you may experience what other parents in your situation have experienced: a vaccine-injured child...
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This is from a finding for future cancer rates in the UK. Currently, it is just under that risk rate, just under one for every two or 44 percent. It's no surprise that the numbers are almost the same in the U.S. for both men and women. So what to do about it? Well...

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A family of chemicals naturally produced by fungi are phenomenally effective at killing human cancer cells, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and published in the...

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Can you solve Elaine’s Quiz this month? She cured the Flu in record time.
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This use of the term "haircut" to describe government theft of private banking accounts has got to stop. It's not a haircut, it's outright thievery. When a person breaks into your home with a gun and steals your jewelry or cash, do we call that a "haircut?" Of course...

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Thank you, dear readers, for sending in your feedback!
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An ongoing debate over the rights of homeowners to raise and keep their own chickens may soon gain an audience in the Virgina Supreme Court. Attorneys at the Rutherford Institute have filed a Petition for Appeal on behalf of Virginia Beach resident Tracy Gugal-Okroy...

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A fresh batch of Tips and Secrets for your collection!
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Legislation currently and quietly making its way through the Texas State Senate threatens to overtly trample the personal property rights of Lone Star State residents in the name of protecting public health. If passed, Senate Bill 186 would allow government officials...

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Homeopaths Rowena Ronson and Nigel Summerly discuss what it means to be a practicing homeopath in the current climate.
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Bill Gates told the world he believed the global vaccination program was God’s work... It appears some people in the Third World don’t want his vaccines or his charity.
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Here are 17 examples of the children being injected with toxic and ineffective vaccines, which their parents trusted would protect their children from getting the disease.
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Did you miss last month's quiz? Here it is again with the answer to follow.
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"Do you have any information on RSV? My daughter had her twins at gestational age 33wks on January 26, 2013...."
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"The day care providers say that they will absolutely not take a baby unless it has all of its vaccines..."
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Our plant doctor column has to be postponed this month, sorry!
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Suzanne Humphries, MD, Internist and Nephrologist speaking on Polio at the Association of Natural Health Conference, November 2012.
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Dr. Nikam gives the solution to last month's chronic quiz case.
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The vaccine tragedy in Africa worsens, as two leaders were ousted and storage recommendations for MenAfriVac were changed. Many children remain paralyzed.
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What is Sequestrations | Sequestration is $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts due to go into effect over the next 10 years, with roughly $85 billion slated for this year. Make no mistake, a lot of people in both parties want to cut spending. The reason so many people hate sequestration, though, is that agencies and departments don’t…

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Have you ever asked your doctor about the safety of vaccines, only to have your concerns dismissed? This magic question reveals that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.
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Oost Vlaanderen was the last leg of the Walk. West Vlaanderen was touching ancestral ground as I am born in Oostende, Brabant was admiring the beauty of the area I live in now, Oost Vlaanderen felt like home: the place where lots of my family and friends live.

Under the blue sky in a brisk winter morning four supporters started the Walk in Hemiksem, south of Antwerpen  with me in good spirits. We crossed the Schelde with the ferry. Taking a boat to cross a river is always…

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Every year the mainstream media war drum beats for you to get vaccinated against the flu. Here are 8 damn good reasons not to get the flu vaccine.
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It has now been officially confirmed that in December 2012, 38 children were hospitalized after receiving the meningitis vaccine, "experts" are trying to say that the children’s condition is psychological.
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This is one incident I came across last month:

A poor man, aged 50, a case of lumbo-sacral pain consulted me. Initially, he had consulted one general practitioner who referred the man to an orthopedic surgeon. Day by day, the man's pain was getting worse, even after taking the medicines given by the surgeon. The patient again visited the orthopedist:

Patient: “Doctor, my pain is…

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