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One of the cases where the 'right remedy' works rapid miracles.
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(NaturalNews) The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has launched a new pilot program that bribes air travelers to "voluntarily" surrender personal and other information in exchange for an expedited and less-invasive screening experience at the airport. And the program has reportedly been so successful at the first few airports in which it was tested that the Obama Administration is planning to expand it to many more airports.

Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International, Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County, Dallas Fort Worth International, and Miami International Airport all participated in the TSA's PreCheck program which was unveiled last month. The program offers certain American Airlines (AA) and Delta Air Lines (DAL) frequent fliers the "opportunity" to avoid full-body pat downs and naked body scans by agreeing to provide the TSA with information about themselves.

Lest anyone forget, these heinous TSA "enhanced" security protocols, which were unveiled just over a year ago, are a blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution. And throughout the past year, we here at NaturalNews have covered numerous incidents of abuse involving these protocols by TSA agents against passengers.

But instead of scrapping these illegal invasions of personal privacy, the TSA is now using them as a deterrent to persuade the public into surrendering personal information instead. The TSA obviously knows its "enhanced" screening requirements are excessive, unreasonable, and felonious, which is why it is now offering incentives to travelers to bypass them.

In a press release announcing PreCheck, the TSA specifically states that the surrendering of personal information in exchange for faster and less-intrusive screenings is "voluntary," because it knows that it cannot technically force this information out of travelers. Using its illegal screenings as a way to extort information is basically the same thing -- it is just far less obvious to most travelers who will be more than willing to "voluntarily" concede to this TSA extortion racket.

The federal government has absolutely no business mandating that travelers comply with unwarranted search and seizure in the first place, which is exactly what the TSA screening process at US airports truly is. But the agency's PreCheck "alternative" is just an extension of this government takeover designed to manipulate the public into capitulating to tyranny.

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How many drops of medicine is to be added to 1000 globules or is there any standard measure pattern Asked by: Abdul haseeb ANSWER It sounds like you are asking how to make the various LM potencies (1:50:000 ) 0ne drop of the first potency (1:50:000) is dropped onto 500 #10 globules. Then one globule [...]
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This ingredient is used by scientists in fertility impairing vaccines.
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premature ej low hardness in penis less time Asked by: vikas ANSWER There are a number of remedies which can correct this problem. A homeopath will have to take your case to decide which one. The homeopath will take much more information and manage your case. Contact the homeopathy organization in your country for a [...]
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Whenever a patient complained about a"descending" [upper] respiratoryinfection, happening quickly after a cold [running nose] I have found sticta pulmonaria [D3 for a few days] a near specific to prevent a bronchitis and lung infection.

The only problem: I mayjust may forget to think about this!

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A snapshot of a dedicated 19th century homeopath.
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Vaccines can cause neurological injury. It seems rather incredulous to believe that research scientists ignore death—even in a research study animal—after an animal is injected with a biological agent. But that is exactly the gold standard for testing live virus vaccines.
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Judging by the huge amount of publicity around vaccine promotion many are under the impression that the manufacturers know all about their products in detail. It may be shocking to discover that this is far from the truth.
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This vaccine ingredient is considered by the World Health Organization to be a grade 3 out of 4 carcinogen [cancer causing substance], with 4 being the most carcinogenic. It's also injected into helpless babies...
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Help your house plants and crops succeed with homeopathic help from Dr. Kaviraj!
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Recently, there has been a vast amount of media coverage exposing many leading stores sexualizing children through marketing. Where is the same emotion from parents when it comes to vaccination?
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NOTE: Also see comments posted below the individual articles where it states : Post/ Read Comments & Feedback on this Article. Dear Sir, Thank you for the Oct 2011 issue of Ezine. As always, an issue full of informative articles,which broaden our horizon about the world of Homeopathy. This issue has been “dedicated” so to [...]
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Read about how young doctors are more likely to question the safety and effectiveness of childhood vaccines...and other top stories for the month of October.
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Our editor brings us another round of interesting and useful tips!
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As a masterpiece of Bernays misdirection, the brilliance of this new approach to vaccine sales must be acknowledged. There can be no doubt that the underlying motive behind the new law was the promotion of the controversial Human Papilloma Virus vaccine.
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At age thirteen I was given a microscope as a birthday present. I spent years staring through that dark tube and nothing was more fascinating than the teeming life in a drop of pond water. In this tiny world, primitive organisms swam, ate, struggled, defended themselves and multiplied. I became attached to these little creatures, [...]
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20 facts about vaccines you won't likely see on a government website.
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Sir, I want to ask that is there treatment for RASOLI (inside uterus) in homeopathy. & Please tell me that its treatment is better in homeopathy or alopathy? Thank You Asked by: Chaitanya ANSWER You haven't said whether the rasoli is cancerous or benign. This should be determined first. I don't know how progressed the [...]
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Now, more than ever, powerful information is available to help parents decide if vaccines are safe for their child. Listed below are videos that parents should watch and consider prior to vaccinating their child.
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(NaturalNews) The infamous media writer Andy Rooney died last week after undergoing surgery for an undisclosed, but reportedly minor, condition. Though he was 92 years old, Rooney was not known to be sick prior to this minor surgery -- but somehow the medical procedure went awry, which resulted in the rapid demise of the often-controversial 60 Minutes commentator.

Whether you loved him or hated him, it is undeniable that Andy Rooney had become a type of American media legend. And while many of those paying tribute to his life after his passing have a lot of good things to say about him, one glaring segment that is missing from such reports concerns the circumstances surrounding his mysterious death.

Why did an otherwise healthy man suddenly die after being admitted to the hospital for a minor surgery? What were the "major complications" that arose following this minor surgery, and how were they able to progress so badly that they ended up killing him?

Throughout the past several years, NaturalNews has covered the many celebrities and other prominent figures that have died from things like prescription drug overdoses and conventional treatments for serious conditions like cancer. In many of these cases, their cause of death could be traced back to the treatment rather than the disease.

While nobody knows for sure why Andy Rooney went in for surgery, it is clear from media reports that the issue was minor and not life threatening. And even though nobody in the media seems all that concerned with investigating the incident further, it is also clear that something went terribly wrong during Rooney's surgery that ended up killing him.

Rooney was very private with his personal life and medical history, which is perhaps why the media is leaving the surgery issue alone. But it only seems right that the issue be addressed -- after all, if there was some type of medical malpractice involved, does not the world deserve to know the truth?

A 2010 study published in the British Journal of Surgery found that roughly 25 percent of patients end up in worse shape after surgery than they were before surgery ( And another more recent study out of Harvard University found that many surgeries performed on seniors are unnecessary, and they often correspond with increased mortality (

Was Rooney the victim of a conventional medical procedure that was dangerous and unnecessary for a man of his age?

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Last month we discussed the formation and treatment of complex diseases, where both the diseases were natural in origin. In my last lecture I had said that young students often wonder why the cures in the books of our oldContinue Reading
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(NaturalNews) One of the most nutritious foods on the traditional Thanksgiving menu is the sweet potato. These orange-skinned root vegetables offer a host of health benefits (especially when cooked without the unnecessary sugar and marshmallows). If you want to raise health consciousness around the dinner table this holiday season, try throwing some of these six sweet potato facts into the conversation:

1. High nutritional value
A 7-ounce (1 cup) serving of sweet potatoes contains 65% of the minimum necessary daily amount of Vitamin C. Sweet potatoes are also high in calcium, folate, potassium and beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant which converts to Vitamin A in the body: one serving of sweet potatoes can provide you with as much as 700% of the US RDA for Vitamin A. The Center for Science in the Public Interest rates sweet potatoes as the number one most nutritious vegetable because they such are so nutritionally rich.

2. Low glycemic index
If you are unfamiliar with this term, the glycemic index indicates the impact a food substance has on blood sugar levels. A high glycemic index means blood sugar levels can spike. Diabetes and others who monitor their blood sugar levels seek to avoid foods with a high glycemic index or load. Sweet potatoes have a glycemic load of only 17. (By way of comparison, a white potato has an index of 29.)

3. Accessing sweet potatoes' nutritional benefits is easy
To gain the maximum health benefits from eating sweet potatoes, avoid discarding their skins -- much of their healing potential resides in this portion of the tubers. Also, following the common dieters' fallacy of avoiding all fats reduces your ability to access sweet potatoes' benefits: beta-carotene absorbs more thoroughly into the body when consumed with a small amount of fat. Recent research seems to indicate that steaming or boiling sweet potatoes rather than roasting them helps preserve their low glycemic index.

4. Good for your skin
Their high levels of Vitamin A and beta-carotene means sweet potatoes are a skin superfood. The substances on many pricey skin-care products like retinol and retinoic acid are actually derived from Vitamin A. Plus beta-carotene combats the free radicals which result skin aging.

5. Sweet potatoes are like yoga
Their high potassium content means sweet potatoes can alleviate muscle cramps which are often related to potassium deficiency. During times of stress, the body uses more potassium, so eating sweet potatoes can help protect you from the negative health effects of tension.

6. Easy to grow in your garden
Starting a vegetable garden is a great way both to reduce your grocery bill now, and to reduce your dependency on grocery stores for the long-term. Sweet potatoes make a good beginner's garden crop. Although originally native to South America, this type of tuber only requires 100 frost-free days in order to grow, so you do not have to live in the tropics to harvest some of these nutritionally valuable tubers. Sweet potato plants have fewer diseases than other types of potatoes, and they are relatively undemanding plants, requiring little in the way of water or fertilizer. You can read more about growing sweet potatoes here: and here

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